
Showing posts from 2009

Fall 2009

Hello all, TJ is in the 5 th grade and is learning a new level of ownership and responsibility. He is riding the bus and is responsible for getting out the door on time with all he stuff, including packing his lunch. It is hard not to remind him but I know it is the best way for him to learn. So far he as missed the bus once. I find my self doing too much reminding. Some habits are hard to break. Speaking of habits I am at 3.5 months of not smoking. There were a few days last week that were real hard, not sure why. But I made it through with out falter. Jackie is doing well also. We now have only Mike and Doug in our office to join the ranks. Maybe next we can talk Billy into giving up an hour a day so we can hit the gym? Work is still a challenge each week I learn something new or improve on something I have been doing. I have been using an hour or two a day to read and study for the A+ Certification. I would like to take it before the end of the year. I need to stay focused on th

Quick Up Date

We are on pins and chairs waiting for the results of the IQ test for TJ to get in to the gifted and challenged program. He has made huge progress in his ability to stay on task at school. Attitude at home continues to be an adventure. Scouting is still fun and challenging. We are one year from becoming a boy scout. Wow how time flies. I am enjoying my work and the never a dull moment environment of our office. We lost a dear friend and valued team member on January 4, 2009 with the death of Ron Caron. I know that some day or service department will run smoothly again. It may be a long time before that happens but someday it will. My father Stew has joined the Gluten Free world. A bit of a skeptic but recently gave it a test and has proved to him self that the problems on his skin, lack of energy and sinus problems were connected to gluten. My mom Mary and the rest of us are learning about Hypoglycemia. Boy that is more confusing than no Gluten. Together we are being healthier.