New Adventures in Education

Hello all,
Well the paper work came through today TJ will be attending the Idaho Virtual Academy for 6th grade.
Due to many factors TJ and I feel this next year will be his best opportunity to explore a different learning environment. I have looked at this program before but did not have the right time structure to make it work, I have another year of school where I am at home for the majority of the day to help and guide (read "crack the whip"). After 5 years of trying to fit a round peg in the square hole of a traditional classroom we are both excited. The battles over homework and unfinished class work have made going to school a negative event, when a child that loves to learn as much as TJ does, will fake being sick so he can stay home and read all day. You know it is time to make a change.
To all my teacher friends, I have huge respect for what you do every day. TJ has some of the best. I thank you for the wonderful foundation of learning and skills you have given TJ. I will forever be grateful to the dedicated educators that have advocated for TJ's success.
TJ will still be active in Boy Scouts, Energizers club and alter server at Church, and Baseball. The night that we made the decision TJ was very happy and relieved. He was not looking forward to middle school.
If any of you are interested in joining us on this journey, let me know.
TJ leaves June 12 for his first hike/camp with Troop 1. Guess who will be shopping for backpacks:)
OK that is the update on the elementary (soon to be middle) school learner, now for the college learner. I am in the last week of this module or mod, Monday June 7 marks the start of mod 13 with Intro to Linux operating systems. I am finishing Networking Infrastructure and English 101. My paper for ENG 101 has to do with technology devices used in education. We are so very much on the edge of change mostly on college campuses but soon on all levels of education. I’m very excited about the Microsoft event on Thursday 6/3. Look here for more details on Friday about how cool it was.
We spent the first weekend at the cabin. It was wonderful. I would love to go again this Friday for my school free weekend. But TJ has season end tournament in baseball. His team is ranked 1st in the minors division, keep your fingers crossed that we are home all weekend. And they win it all!
I’m working hard at keeping this info current. Thanks for checking in leave me a note let me know you have been here.

Thank you all for your love, support and prayers, don't stop now.


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