Tails from the trail

Good morning to you all
Source: Meridian, Idaho Destination: Cascade Locks Oregon

Yesterday’s travel was filled with incredible views and wind. We traveled consistent through the eastern part of Oregon. I knew that there was better to be seen. There were many comments of Oh mom look at that! Oh that is beautiful. Lots of oh’s and awe’s. TJ is our navigator and keeper of the travel log. He has truly taken this task to a new level. We played the license plate game, where you keep a list of the ones you have seen. We have 20 some states and 4 Canadian Providences.
It feels odd to be posting to face book and my blog from a camp site. I do like the fact that we are not in the wilderness and that we don’t have to pack food for 5 days. We had one small bump in our plan; there are no Maverick Gas Stations in Oregon. TJ and I are living the Thrifty part of the scout law.
My friend who was a large part of why we are in Oregon is doing well and is using her extra time off work to catch up on school work, she is working on her master’s degree, I am so proud of her!
We are not sure of our next destination we need to do some math on how many miles we can go on the gas we have and how much time we spend at Multnomah Falls. I know there will be large amounts of time spent there. We will hike to the top and post some pictures.
I will close with this thought…Thomas Fuller said “A good example is the best sermon.” What then is living the example?
Tune in tomorrow and see where we landed.


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