
Showing posts from December, 2007

Grateful New Year

As we finish up the last of the Christmas dinner leftovers in our favorite turkey casserole. I am reminded that we are very close to the New Year. I look back and see many things to be grateful for. My son and I are healthy. Nack and Umpha are healthy. Paul is making progress on being healthy. I have stopped smoking and have lost 25 lbs of not needed fat. I belie I have had more good days than pain filled days. Although I have not had a pain free day in many years. I like the ones where I can think of other things to do than to find something that will relive the pain. I know now that fibromyalgia and my weight gain are directly linked. When I am having a high pain day I am often in the kitchen looking for something, not knowing what just something. I now know that I am trying to find something that will stop the pain. Food dose not work. Not even chocolate. I have been reading about computers, internet and protocols, trying to get some information in my head for the new j
Twelve days of Christmas There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas? Today, I found out. From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in Ireland were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics.It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning, plus ahidden meaning known only to members of the church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality, which the children could remember. -The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ. -Two turtledoves were the Old and New Testaments.-Three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love.-The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.-The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament. -The six geese a-l

December 20, 2007

Wow what a crazy few days… OK more like two weeks. In my last post, I mentioned that the family was experiencing a virus and I was grateful not to, well that quickly changed. I was very sick for a bit more than a week. I did not go to work much that week either. Lots of sleep, tissues and coughing. I am much better now and have just completed the last week of the Fall 2007 Semester at Boise State University. It has been a good semester at the Culinary Arts program. It will also be my last semester at BSU. As of 1/2/08 I will be working for RVP Systems of Boise, Idaho. I will be a POS Installation Technician. What is a POS ? you say. You know that computer that your servers at your favorite restaurant type in your order? That is a POS system. I will have the privilege of creating the database that each restaurant uses and installing them the hardware, training the clients to use them. I will have lots of technical stuff to learn in the next few weeks but it will be very cool t
In remembrance of the men and women who gave their lives this day at Pearl Harbor, I would ask that you all take an extra moment to say a prayer. This week has been a bit crazy. My work at Boise State University Culinary Arts is a bit more than usual as the third semesters are preparing for their Capstone Dinner. This is a fund-raising event that is a formal seven course event. Lots of work and stress for them and me the one that must make sure that they have all the stuff they need to make it happen. I know they will do a great event. The house has been a sick ward this week, Mom, Dad, and TJ. I have been ok mostly. TJ stayed home from school Thursday and Friday. We are not going to Snow Capades Saturday in McCall, Idaho. I am somewhat glad about not going. At Camp Morrison they are preparing lunch. I called and spoke with the event organizer about a gluten free lunch for myself and my son. It was another situation of educating someone about gluten and how to prepare gluten free food.

December 2 2007

Hello all today is the first Sunday of advent. A special time in our home and thousands of Catholics. Sadly, most the members of our house are home sick today and did not attend mass. We will bless our advent wreath at dinner and light the first candle. Tonight as we prepare for bed we will gather as a family to pray the rosary. This is a tradition my son TJ started last year and it is a great way to calm an 8 year old and keep the focus of Christmas where it needs to be. We are also going to do some cooking for the week to make each weeknight a little less crazy. We are making Butternut puree, yam puree, and maybe chicken nuggets. TJ has given his Grandmother and Grandfather special names, my mother is Nack and my father is Umpha. This afternoon TJ and Nack are playing Mexican Train. A game played with dominos and is great fun. TJ has been playing from the age of 3, he truly loves the game, and it keeps him away from the TV. Well I am off to the kitchen. God Bless

Annual Music Dinner

Last night was what looks to be an annual event for a wonderful group of friends. We are members of a large…very large church. We a have 4 masses each week and each one has great music. Once a year we have a chance to say thank you to me musicians that improve and enhance our Mass Celebration. Last year we prepared Brawley Beef Prime Rib, Baked Idaho Potatoes, Assorted Veggies, Salad, and Sweet Streets Pumpkin Cranberry Bash. It was truly wonderful. My good friend Peggy decorated the tables in a very festive Christmas music way. She is so creative. My other good friend Wally, Peggy’s husband, worked with me in the kitchen. He rounded up the helpers. What a hard working bunch he found. I am not sure who had more fun the musicians or the helpers in the kitchen. This year we had a different budget. Oh but I think the food was just as good. Peggy again worked her magic on the dining room. Creating a welcoming environment festive and elegant. Using colors of red, green, and white