Grateful New Year

As we finish up the last of the Christmas dinner leftovers in our favorite turkey casserole.
I am reminded that we are very close to the New Year. I look back and see many things to be grateful for. My son and I are healthy. Nack and Umpha are healthy. Paul is making progress on being healthy. I have stopped smoking and have lost 25 lbs of not needed fat. I belie I have had more good days than pain filled days. Although I have not had a pain free day in many years. I like the ones where I can think of other things to do than to find something that will relive the pain. I know now that fibromyalgia and my weight gain are directly linked. When I am having a high pain day I am often in the kitchen looking for something, not knowing what just something. I now know that I am trying to find something that will stop the pain. Food dose not work. Not even chocolate.
I have been reading about computers, internet and protocols, trying to get some information in my head for the new job. I am very excited to learn new things. Now I get to be a Techy and a Foodie. I finished up the Meridian school district Culinary Arts program small- wears list and dropped it off to Paul. It is good to have that done. I look forward to working with them as this truly advanced project come together.
I am proud of the things TJ and I have done this year. We went to Oregon many times and helped Dave move to a place where he can make new friends and experience new treatment. I pray that he can become the person he wants to be. I am sad that our relationship will not be what we hoped it would be. But I am glad that we know this now. I hope that any one who reads this and has a concern about alcoholism that you seek treatment and take it serious. There is so much pain caused by the lying and the deceit. In all my days I will not understand how one can risk so much for a temporary feeling.
TJ has done very well in school and is looking forward to soccer in the spring. He has been practicing his dribbling up and down the hall. It is fun to see Betty and Sara try and figure out what to do. “Should we try to play ball with him?” “He’s moving to fast for me, Betty you try to keep up.” Betty has figured the best thing to do is get “Blue” her toy dog and trot along be hind him. Then try to get out of his way when they reach the end. Our four legged’s add so much fun to our daily gratitude.

Well that is about all from the state of gratitude. May your New Year bring more opportunities to be grateful and share our abundance.


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