
Showing posts from 2008

July 2008

Howdy all!! We have been very busy with camping, trips to Lowman, working and doing fun things with Pack 62. Please know that I think about my blog more often than when I actually put something on it. Since my last post in April TJ and I have been on two camping trips with the scouts, a couple of trips to Lowman, I have done a few more installs including one in Ketchum. The more I work with our customers the more I see the value in our guiding them through the maze that is opening and operating a business truly can be. I must admit that after 8-9 hours of work on a computer the last thing I want to do at home is spend more time on a key board. I am spending this evening resting up for the big push and pack for a much needed vacation. TJ and I will be camping at Bull Trout Lake for 4 days. I am really looking forward to some loud nature sounds. And fishing, gin rummy and no showers. Hope you all are well.
Sorry for the long time in blogging… TJ has started soccer and is enjoying the three days a week practice and games on Saturday. Mom and I are hoping that the weather will be a bit kinder to us this Saturday we have had enough of coming home frozen. Although the forecast is for high of 49 and rain. Hummmmm I guess we will be frozen again this game. TJ is also ding well in school and scouts he has earned is Bear Rank and is looking forward to being a Weblo….seams like yesterday he was a tiger. The new career is great the gang at RVP is wonderful and I am enjoying the challenge of working with technology as a team we are meshing nicely. Ron is a wiz at the hardware stuff. Adam is supper great at hardware, software, programming and technology stuff like pagers and handheld ordering devices. I’m a wiz at programming and training. Getting better at the hardware and techy stuff every day. We are close to the end of a big install in Twin Falls Idaho. The Canyon Crest Event Dining Center is so

Eugene Oregon

Howdy from the snowy Emerald city. Apparently Eugene is not used to this much snow. They have no snow shovels. The hotel is only 1.5 blocks form the Emerald Business Systems where we are doing our training. But with 3+ inches of snow it becomes quite a slushy ice snow pack mess. So much for dress shoes. I see by the way of KTVB and my TJ news source that Boise is getting a bunch of new snow. The flight down was an adventure. Our plane was delayed out of Boise for 4 hours; flight out of San Francisco delayed 2 hours. So we got to the hotel at about 12 pm Boise time. Then up bright and early for class at 8 am that every body but RVP people were late. The odd thing, the people that had traveled hundreds of hours, on time, people traveling a few miles, late. The training is going well. Monday was a bit boring in that we covered a bunch of review stuff and we had no coffee or chocolate. Today was very cool in that we learned new stuff and how to do complicated stuff in configurator. I know

Love the New Job

Love the new job!!! An I do mean love it, the people I work with are great and I am challenged every day to learn something new. I leave for training in two weeks. I was concerned about how I was going to eat. And stay safe and gluten free, I very much did not want to get sick and miss any of the training. So I talked with the new boss Jackie and she said do what you need to and make sure you put it on the company credit card. How cool is that!!! I did some looking on like and there are a lot of places that I can eat in Eugene and many are with in walking distance of the hotel. My good friend Karen from Eagle Creek Oregon called this week I am sad to day that we had not talked in a long time. Thanks for calling Karen!!! It was good to talk with here and get all updated on Andrew, the Job and the Kitties. TJ does not like his mom being gone so much. There are two events the weekend I fly home that he does not get to go to because his mom will either be in training or

New things

Wow what a week. In the last 7 days we have had rain, snow, sunshine, and high winds. We changed months and stated a new year. I started a new job. Actually it is a new career. It was very cool to be welcomed and have all members of the company be excited to have you there. Today was my first company meeting and it was a great honor to be listed as a highlight of some ones week. I was also a part of some other meetings where I was able to learn more about the people I work with and the things we do. I am so excited to go to Eugene Oregon for training so I can really get to the heart of what I was hired to-do. TJ is adjusting to his mom being gone a bit more. He is excited about the more money and I am afraid that he may have it all spent before I can make it. He starts school again on Monday and has a field trip on Thursday to see the Boise Philharmonic @ the Swayne Auditorium in Nampa. I spoke with my new boss and she said yes please take the morning off and go with your son. This wil

Family and Friends 2007
