Love the New Job

Love the new job!!! An I do mean love it, the people I work with are great and I am challenged every day to learn something new.
I leave for training in two weeks. I was concerned about how I was going to eat. And stay safe and gluten free, I very much did not want to get sick and miss any of the training. So I talked with the new boss Jackie and she said do what you need to and make sure you put it on the company credit card. How cool is that!!! I did some looking on like and there are a lot of places that I can eat in Eugene and many are with in walking distance of the hotel.
My good friend Karen from Eagle Creek Oregon called this week I am sad to day that we had not talked in a long time. Thanks for calling Karen!!! It was good to talk with here and get all updated on Andrew, the Job and the Kitties.
TJ does not like his mom being gone so much. There are two events the weekend I fly home that he does not get to go to because his mom will either be in training or on an airplane. I do believe that our now having the money to go some places on the weekends will make up for it. On the other hand, maybe he will just have to understand that this is how millions of kids live all the time and that the last 7 years have been truly wonderful. A gift form God that we had so much time to hang out in the afternoon and weekends. We did go shopping on Saturday. I have to ware something other than chef pants and a chef coat. TJ helped his mom pick out pants and shoes. It was great fun. He got some stuff too. We will go but him some more stuff next week when we get the first check from RVP.
This is just a short note to say hi and all is well. I am off to work. Today I get to work on Time and Attendance to see if it is cool to use.
God Bless and be safe.


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