Eugene Oregon

Howdy from the snowy Emerald city.
Apparently Eugene is not used to this much snow. They have no snow shovels. The hotel is only 1.5 blocks form the Emerald Business Systems where we are doing our training. But with 3+ inches of snow it becomes quite a slushy ice snow pack mess. So much for dress shoes. I see by the way of KTVB and my TJ news source that Boise is getting a bunch of new snow.
The flight down was an adventure. Our plane was delayed out of Boise for 4 hours; flight out of San Francisco delayed 2 hours. So we got to the hotel at about 12 pm Boise time. Then up bright and early for class at 8 am that every body but RVP people were late. The odd thing, the people that had traveled hundreds of hours, on time, people traveling a few miles, late.
The training is going well. Monday was a bit boring in that we covered a bunch of review stuff and we had no coffee or chocolate. Today was very cool in that we learned new stuff and how to do complicated stuff in configurator. I know that from here to Saturday we will get in to more cool stuff. The db we are using has a bunch of weird stuff in it and things that should work don’t and buttons show up where you don’t think they should. But it is cool to then go find how to fix it or change it. We also had coffee and chocolate. J
The more I work with Adam the more I know I am with great people. We think the same on a lot of things. We were all going out for lunch to a place I was unsure of for gluten free. I was going to gracefully decline when Adam suggested we go to red robin where we know we can get safe food. He is so cool.
Well that is about all for now I will try to do another post while I am here.


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